I came across a Wonderful website last night, it's http://www.choosehope.com this website sell all type of "awareness" items for cancer and for all types of cancer. I have placed my order tonight for some bracelets, magnets, koozies and key chains. I can't wait to get them. The best part of this website is they donate each month money back to all cancer researches. They made a record donation last month of $ 6,000. I hope my order of $ 140.00 helps them and I'm sure this is only my first order.
I bought a total of 50 bracelets for us and some of our friends and family that would like one. I got 4 magnets for our cars, koozies that say "Cancer Sucks"; Mom and I a water bottle that says Cancer Sucks, key chains and a special button for Mom to wear. I can't wait until they get here.
I hope you all take the time to look at the website and maybe even purchase an item or two. Their prices are not bad at all.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Last Week
Mom had a busy week last week. On Tuesday she went in for blood work her levels were low so she had to go to Memorial Hospital for a blood transfusion. Mom was scheduled for a scope on Wednesday at 7 AM at St. Lukes. She got there they did blood work and it showed her platelets were low so Dr. Kakkar was not able to do the scope. Your platelets are what makes your blood clot and with Mom's being low in the event of some blood she would not be able to clot and that would cause problems. Due to all this Dr. Kakkar felt it would be best if Mom was admitted to receive more transfusion's and then schedule the scope on Friday. Mom was not happy about any of this but went along. Everything moved along and the scope was done on Friday Morning. The test confirmed there was a tumor on the upper lope of the right lung. It's smaller than the one in November and they fell the Chemo will take care of the tumor so now it's a wait and watch it. Mom was released from the Hospital around 2:30 on Friday and was happy to be home.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
First Round - Second time around is done
Today was the final day of Mom's first round of chemo for the seond time. She is feeling okay not th best but not the worse either. She's been taking her zofran to help and it's working.
Please continue to pray that our Awesome God completely heals Mom of this cancer and that she is able to live a long time cancer free.
Thank you!
Please continue to pray that our Awesome God completely heals Mom of this cancer and that she is able to live a long time cancer free.
Thank you!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Check out these hot Mom's
FFHCCA Annual Conference
Mom had planned a "Suprise" visit to the FFHCCA Conference in Clearwater Beach for this past weekend, so when Dr. Patel broke the news that the cancer had returned we asked it if would still be okay to go out of town for the weekend and his reply was Go and have a good time.
So even after hearing that the cancer had returned and she would have to start Chemo on Monday Mom was ready to hit the road to Clearwater. Sheraton Sand Key here we come.
There was only 1 person who knew we were coming down and that was Mom's friend Lynn. Lynn had a big task ahead of her and that was to keep the secret for a WHOLE week that Mom was coming to the conference and I'm proud to report she did a WONDERFUL job of keeping the secret.
We showed up at the Resort at 5:00 pm Friday afternoon. The classes for the day were just ending. We walked into the hotel and at first people didn't recognize Mom but once they did it was all over, there was screams, thrills and even tears. They were so happy to see her and Mom had a HUGE Smile on her face, she was happy to be there with her friends.
After 2 Months of being cancer free, Mom's cancer is now back
Mom had a PET scan done on June 22, 2010 and we received the results on Friday June 25, 2010. There are 2 spots one on each lung. There are around an inch big. Mom will be starting Chemo again tomorrow. She will be doing the same meds as before so it will be 3 days every 3 weeks. Dr. Patel has ordered another PET scan for 6 weeks to see how the Meds are working.
It's been a long road for Mom but we all have faith that God will heal her and will make her cancer free once again. We all know that he is in control and has the power to heal her.
Please continue to keep Mom in your prayers.
It's been a long road for Mom but we all have faith that God will heal her and will make her cancer free once again. We all know that he is in control and has the power to heal her.
Please continue to keep Mom in your prayers.
I've been behind in posting.. sorry
Sorry I've been a little slow in posting updates. Just to give you a run down of the past 3 months. Wow I really am behind.
April - Mom received her 7th round of Chemo and all went well. She had a PET scan done and on April 19 we received the news that she was cancer free... Praise God.. then on the 20 she went into the hospital for blood and platelets and ended up being admitted to find out she had Sepic (a blood infection). She spent 8 days in the hospital then on the 28 her sister Sis came back down and to help us in taking care of Mom. We can't thank her enough she was a live saver. Poor thing was here with us for 11 days earlier in April then was home 1 week before she came back down to spend another 14 days with us.
May - All was well Mom was getting better and better each day
June - Mom has completed 10 rounds of preventative Whole Brain Radiation to help prevent the cancer for ever going to the brain.
That now brings us to current .....
April - Mom received her 7th round of Chemo and all went well. She had a PET scan done and on April 19 we received the news that she was cancer free... Praise God.. then on the 20 she went into the hospital for blood and platelets and ended up being admitted to find out she had Sepic (a blood infection). She spent 8 days in the hospital then on the 28 her sister Sis came back down and to help us in taking care of Mom. We can't thank her enough she was a live saver. Poor thing was here with us for 11 days earlier in April then was home 1 week before she came back down to spend another 14 days with us.
May - All was well Mom was getting better and better each day
June - Mom has completed 10 rounds of preventative Whole Brain Radiation to help prevent the cancer for ever going to the brain.
That now brings us to current .....
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Family Coming into Town

We are all looking forward to Sis and Donnies arrival next Wednesday (just in time for Mom to finish her 7th Chemo Round). I hoping Mom is feeling well and is able to be out and about a little to enjoy our time while they are here. We will be having Benjamin's 5th Birthday party while they are here. I can't believe that my Baby will be 5 tomorrow.
We had pictures taken yesterday and I had a special one made for Mom and Dad.. I'll share it here with you..
7th Round
Mom's 7th round of Chemo has been postponed by a week due to Mom's blood level and platelet levels. If all goes well and her levels come up Mom will receive her Chemo next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Radiation Dr. Appt
Mom and Dad had an appointment today with the Radiation Dr. He said Mom sounded really good and looked good. He was surprise by how well she was doing. Then he asked if they wanted him to go over the PET Scan from February and of course they said yes, even thou Dr. Patel already said it was looking Good.
This doctor said that the PET Scan looked good but probably wasn't very accurate given the fact that she had just finished radiation 2 weeks prior to the scan and she would still be "radiating" inside. He did go on and say that the scan showed that the cancer was 90% gone. This was done before the Chemo in February and the Chemo she did this week so it would be even better now.
This was wonderful news they received today and Mom doesn't have to see him again until June.
6th Round of Chemo
First off let me say that I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been busy.
Now to this weeks details. Mom was scheduled to start her 6th round of Chemo on Tuesday but when she saw Dr. Patel her blood was low but okay to get Chemo that day but would have had to gotten blood later in the week however since Mom had 3.5 days of Chemo they decided to go ahead and send her to St. Lukes and receive 2 units of blood on Tuesday and start the Chemo on Wednesday. So that's what we did.
Wednesday Addie took Mom to the Chemo Lab and they started the 6th round of Chemo. Dad took her on Thursday and today to receive the other doses of Chemo. She is now done with the 6th round and feeling okay.
She now only has 1 more round to go. Praise God
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Round 5 is done...
Mom finished her last day of the 5th round of chemo today. She made it home around 12:15 and so far is feeling good. She goes in tomorrow for the shot to help keep her white blood count up then we prepare for the big sale on Saturday.
It's bitter-sweet for all of us. Mom has had her Home Child Care for 20 years, over half of my life. Hopefully after Saturday most if not all of her supplies will be in other Home Child Care's or Centers for other children to enjoy. Mom and Dad will now have a "spare" room. That's something they haven't had in more than 20 years. Since while I was growing up I had the room that is now the play room and Mom's sewing room was the play room. Once I moved out with my husband (now) Joey Mom turned my room into the play room and the old play room into the sewing room and over flowing daycare room. Benjamin is excited that Mimi & Pop will have a bed for him to sleep in once Mimi is better and he is able to spend the night with them.
I know that once Mom is all better and able to drive and be out there will be no stopping her. Mom and Benjamin will be out and about and nothing will stop them. In the summer they will be in the pool or in the sewing room making something awesome. I know this day is so close.
Mom is now down 5 round of Chemo and only has 2 more rounds to go. Hang in there Mom you are strong and I know you can continue to fight this.
A Special THANK YOU to all of our friends and family for all the love, support, thoughts and prayers during this time. I give all the glory to God, because without him none of this would be possible. Praise God! Good is good all the time.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
5th Round of Chemo
The 5th round has officially begun. Mom has 1 day down and 2 more to go. She's feeling well so far. Mom's spirits are up and she's still fighting it and after the good news today she's really ready to continue the fight.
I wasn't able to have lunch with her and Addie today since I went to the Appointment this morning and got to work really late. But the appointment was much more important to me today then lunch. I will join them tomorrow.
PET Scan Results
We saw Dr. Patel today before Mom started her 5th round of Chemo. He walked in the patient room and said "I have good news"! WOO HOO.. Although the cancer is not completely gone the Chemo and Radiation has worked wonders so far. The right lung is no longer FULL of cancer it's about the size of a Golf Ball. This is MUCH MUCH better than what it was. GOD IS AWESOME. He has answered tons and tons of prayers and I'm sure he will continue to answer them. Thank you and Praise God
Dr. Patel thought Mom was starting her 4th round of Chemo today and not her 5th round so he went ahead and advised that it would be best to add a 7th round of Chemo to just make sure it's completely gone when he schedules another PET scan in April. So as of right now if all goes according to plan and Mom is cancer free at the end of her 7th round she will receive her final dose of Chemo on Benjamin's 5th Birthday - April 1 -- And No this is not a joke at all.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Last Week
Last week was her 2nd "off week" of Chemo. Mom was tired a lot and couldn't eat to much. Like any normal Tuesday for us Addie took Mom to Dr. Patel's office to have blood drawn for the weekly check and to receive the shot to help keep her blood levels up. However her blood level and platelet levels was down. She still received the shot/injection but saw Dr. Patel where he advised her she needed to go to St. Lukes Hospital to receive transfusions of both Blood and Platelets. Mom arrived at St. Lukes around 11:30 in the morning and they put her in room 459. This is the same floor and hall where she was in November only this time she was not going to be staying the night she was free to go once all the transfusions was completed. After all the blood work and the double checking the blood types and triple checking the orders with Dr. Patel Mom started receiving the first bag of blood around 4:45. Each bag of blood took around 2 hours, then it was time for the platelets. She was able to leave the hospital around 10:15 that night. Since receiving both the blood and the plates Mom has been feeling MUCH better. She's able to stay awake, actually eat and what to eat and even be on the computer.
We have a BIG Day tomorrow...
Mom had a PET Scan last Friday so tomorrow February 16, 2010 is not only the start of her 5th round of Chemo but we will also get the results from Dr. Patel of her PET Scan. We will know tomorrow how all the radiation and chemo has done to fight the cancer away.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Daycare Supply Sale
Mom and Addie have been boxing up the daycare room and are preparing for our big sale on Saturday February 20, 2010. This will be held at Mom's house and will include indoor toys, science stuff, kids tables, kids books, the outside toys and a 6 seater bye bye buggy..
Monday, February 1, 2010
Certificate of Completion!
On Friday January 29, 2010 Mom received her final radiation therapy treatment and received a wonderful Certificate of Completion for Radiation Therapy from FROG!
I want to say Thank you to FROG and to Nicole, Orbeny, Meghann and Dr. Nurani for taking wonderful care of Mom during her 30 days of treatment. Nicole, Orbeny & Meghann are the techs that really did all the work. They were there on Christmas Eve, New Years Eve and even New Years Day to give the treatments. Orbeny was there for Mom that "rough" Monday in January and was nothing but caring for Mom and her feelings. I can't thank them or FROG enough.
Thank you and we will see you 4 or so weeks for the PET Scan.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
4th Round is Complete
Mom completed her 3rd day of her 4th round of Chemo today. She got home around 11:30 and was tired, I had lunch with her at 1:00 and when I left at 2:00 she went and laid down and stayed in bed until after 5:00. Boy was she tired. She is feeling pretty good and ready for tomorrow her last day of radiation and her shot to help keep her white blood count up.
This now makes only 2 more rounds of Chemo left. One in February and One in March.
This now makes only 2 more rounds of Chemo left. One in February and One in March.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
A BIG Thank you!
We want to extend a BIG Thank you to all of our Friends and Family that have been thinking & Praying for Mom; for everyone that has sent Mom a card and for all the phone calls or text message. It means so much to all of us to know that each of you are there for us during this battle and battle that we have every intention in the world of beating because our God is GOOD.
I also want to thank all the Home Daycare providers and Childcare Associates that have provided dinners for us again last week and this week. It has been very much appreciated and delicious. It's a relief for Mom to come home from either Radiation and/or Chemo & for Dad to come home from a long day at work and not have to worry about cooking dinner. It's also a relief on me as well.
Thank you all again for everything. Please keep the thoughts, prayers, cards and call a coming. We love you all!
I also want to thank all the Home Daycare providers and Childcare Associates that have provided dinners for us again last week and this week. It has been very much appreciated and delicious. It's a relief for Mom to come home from either Radiation and/or Chemo & for Dad to come home from a long day at work and not have to worry about cooking dinner. It's also a relief on me as well.
Thank you all again for everything. Please keep the thoughts, prayers, cards and call a coming. We love you all!
Radiation Treatment
Mom's radiation treatment was scheduled to end tomorrow January 27 however due to Mom's blood work last week and her low platelet levels they suspended her radiation last Thursday and Friday. This means that the radiation will not end tomorrow but will end on Friday. This Friday marks 6 weeks or 30 treatments of radiation. This is a major milestone for Mom and completes one set of the two types of treatment she is getting. Friday also will make the 4th round of chemo complete and will leave her with only 2 rounds of Chemo left.
Dr. Patel Mom's oncologist said we would schedule Mom's PET Scan 3 or so weeks after she finishes radiation. So in February we will know two things. (1) How well the tumor shrunk due to the radiation and (2) How much cancer (If any) is left in Mom's body. I know Dr. Patel said the main goal is to be cancer free before the 6th round is given. I Pray everyday that the next PET scan will show AWESOME news. I'm sure it will as GOD IS AWESOME and GOD is in control over this situation.
Dr. Patel Mom's oncologist said we would schedule Mom's PET Scan 3 or so weeks after she finishes radiation. So in February we will know two things. (1) How well the tumor shrunk due to the radiation and (2) How much cancer (If any) is left in Mom's body. I know Dr. Patel said the main goal is to be cancer free before the 6th round is given. I Pray everyday that the next PET scan will show AWESOME news. I'm sure it will as GOD IS AWESOME and GOD is in control over this situation.
4th Round
Mom's 4th round of Chemo has officially started and has already completed day 1 of the 3 day round. She went in today and did her radiation at 8:30. Then at first she didn't have to do blood work so we just waited to see the Doctor. We saw another doctor today not Dr. Patel she wanted to go ahead and do additional blood work to check on Mom's Iron Level and Hemoglobin level. So then it was off to the Chemo lab where they didn't start until 10:15 so technically Mom shouldn't have finished her Chemo today until 6:30 or later and since a Doctor has to be the premises while Chemo is dripping they decided to run the meds in a different manner today. It worked out to Mom's advantage and she was out of there by 4:30. She asked the nurse if they could do the same thing tomorrow and Ann said she didn't see why they couldn't so she might be home before 5 tomorrow.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Half Way there
Mom is officially half way done with Chemo and Radiation.
She has completed 15 days of radiation (really 16) and has 14 more days to go until radiation is completely different.
Mom has now completed her 3rd round of Chemo and there are 3 more rounds to go. She will have her 4th round at the end of January. The 5th round is scheduled to start in February and her 6th round will start in March.
Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, calls, cards and everything else you have done for our family. We appreciate all of it. We know that God is in control. Thank you again and Love ya!
She has completed 15 days of radiation (really 16) and has 14 more days to go until radiation is completely different.
Mom has now completed her 3rd round of Chemo and there are 3 more rounds to go. She will have her 4th round at the end of January. The 5th round is scheduled to start in February and her 6th round will start in March.
Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, calls, cards and everything else you have done for our family. We appreciate all of it. We know that God is in control. Thank you again and Love ya!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Wednesdays Lunch Hour
Mom wanted Mexican today so that's what we got. This table we are eating off is the table they keep the gloves and medical stuff on. We moved everything to the bottom and rolled it over so we had something to set our food on since it was to COLD to eat outside. Mom's nurse Kathy laughed and said she has never seen anyone do that before and she had to take a picture of us.
Here's what goes on during Chemo Treatments
3rd Round of Chemo
Mom and Dad
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
3rd Round of Chemo
Will officially start in about 2 hours. Mom will have blood work done at 8:45 this morning and we will meet with Dr. Patel at 9:00 they will start the Chemo, well the fluids and all the other meds around 9:15 - 9:30 this morning. It's hard to believe that it's already time for the 3rd round of Chemo I guess the Holidays made the time go by fast.
Off to finish getting things ready this morning so I can meet Mom at the office. Come back tonight for an update and pictures of the 3rd round.
Off to finish getting things ready this morning so I can meet Mom at the office. Come back tonight for an update and pictures of the 3rd round.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Next Week is a Busy One for us
Lots of Appointments and Treatments are scheduled for January 4 - 8, 2010!
1. Appointment with the Lung Doctor
2. Radiation
1. Blood Work
2. X-Rays for Radiation
3. Dr. Patel Appointment
4. Start 3rd Round of Chemo (Long Day 8 hours)
5. Radiation
1. 2nd Day of Chemo - another long day 8 hours
2. X-Rays for Radiation
3. Radiation
1. 3rd and final day of the 3rd round of Chemo - short day 4 hours
2. X-Rays for Radiation (maybe)
3. Radiation
1. Radiation
2. Shot to help keep White Blood Cell numbers up
Friday afternoon will mark the half point of the Chemo Treatments. Mom will have had 3 treatments in the history books and will be on the down hill slope to the final 3 treatments. There will also only be 8 radiation treatments left.
1. Appointment with the Lung Doctor
2. Radiation
1. Blood Work
2. X-Rays for Radiation
3. Dr. Patel Appointment
4. Start 3rd Round of Chemo (Long Day 8 hours)
5. Radiation
1. 2nd Day of Chemo - another long day 8 hours
2. X-Rays for Radiation
3. Radiation
1. 3rd and final day of the 3rd round of Chemo - short day 4 hours
2. X-Rays for Radiation (maybe)
3. Radiation
1. Radiation
2. Shot to help keep White Blood Cell numbers up
Friday afternoon will mark the half point of the Chemo Treatments. Mom will have had 3 treatments in the history books and will be on the down hill slope to the final 3 treatments. There will also only be 8 radiation treatments left.
Happy New Year!
We had a quiet night last night. Joey, Benjamin and I went to Mom and Dad's to have Chicken Wings for dinner. We stayed until around 9:45 and then headed home so Mom could get some rest. Mom had radiation today at 10:00 - Yes they were open for New Years Day. Not many patients but some were there. She had her 12th treatment today on 13 more to go.
Hope everyone had a Happy & Safe New Years Eve and we wish everyone a Happy & Prosperous 2010
Hope everyone had a Happy & Safe New Years Eve and we wish everyone a Happy & Prosperous 2010
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