Friday, January 1, 2010

Next Week is a Busy One for us

Lots of Appointments and Treatments are scheduled for January 4 - 8, 2010!

1. Appointment with the Lung Doctor
2. Radiation

1. Blood Work
2. X-Rays for Radiation
3. Dr. Patel Appointment
4. Start 3rd Round of Chemo (Long Day 8 hours)
5. Radiation

1. 2nd Day of Chemo - another long day 8 hours
2. X-Rays for Radiation
3. Radiation

1. 3rd and final day of the 3rd round of Chemo - short day 4 hours
2. X-Rays for Radiation (maybe)
3. Radiation

1. Radiation
2. Shot to help keep White Blood Cell numbers up

Friday afternoon will mark the half point of the Chemo Treatments. Mom will have had 3 treatments in the history books and will be on the down hill slope to the final 3 treatments. There will also only be 8 radiation treatments left.

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